Have you ever noticed how we are really attracted to BIG rewards?
I mean, who would seriously step over a $10 bill to get to a penny?
Would you?
What if I told you that the $10 bill is a one time deal, end of story. And the penny was the start of a trail leading to riches beyond your imagination?
Would you choose the $10 bill … or would you follow the penny trail?
Tougher choice, right? Instant reward that you can spend right now … vs a journey of slow, yet steady rewards for a lifetime.
Will you choose the $10 that will buy a meal that you really need right now … or the penny trail, which, by the way, has plenty of food ripe for picking along the way.
Did the choice get any easier for you, with that added detail? Maybe. Maybe not.
The same sort of choices come up with our dogs, and the struggles we face with them.
It can be a real challenge to ‘celebrate’ a baby step when we have a sort of desperate need to get a certain behavior NOW.
And yet, if we can take a deep breath, keep taking those baby steps that you hear me talking so much about … the unimagined riches that reveal themselves as we walk that trail actually get us the result we want:
Faster. Easier. And with much Less Drama.
I have the honor and privilege of working with passionate dog loving women (and a few men!) from all around North America and Europe … helping them discover their own personal ‘penny trail’ toward the riches of a deep and trusting partnership with their dogs that makes anything possible.
The baby steps our members are taking … and the BIG results they are getting is so inspiring to me. Unbelievably inspiring.
So, I’ve been thinking:
why wouldn’t I want to share some of these tiny wins so that YOU can be inspired too? So that you can begin to look for pennies of your own.
Let’s start with this story:
Sally, who is a veteran Foundation Formula member and an amazing woman doing great work with shelter dogs and with local family dogs, recently shared a story that left me in tears. (of joy!)
She took this frightened and snarly dog under her wing, had an ‘insight’ … and then … the dog made a transformation. Here’s the little story in her own words:
A similar story of ‘communication from the heart’ is shared by Jane, who adopted a reactive border collie who has turned out to be quite a bit more challenging that Jane was imagining. There are two little wins that Jane shares with us. There is a personal win…an insight:
And there is a ‘little’ win for their partnership:
You might like to read this article about communication, or this one about partnership and staying present with your dog.
Little wins in every day life can make such a difference, and build momentum as we follow our penny trail. Helen shares her ‘baby step’ wins during play and tracking … the focus and responsiveness is a true win for Helen and Storm!
And Jennifer who was worried that her beautiful and sweet Peach didn’t want to ‘show’ with her any more shares her win that came from a shift to collaboration…
You can read more about Clarity and Partnership here … and about Collaboration and Communication right here.
The bottom line: It’s all about knowing, really knowing, dogs. Your dog.
It’s about knowing, really knowing, how every tiny part of you is influencing your dog in every single moment.
It’s about being so present, that you can instantly commune with your dog. And, instantly, magically, having a deep understanding on so many levels.
Try it … and let me know about your ‘penny trail’ journey of small changes leading to big rewards.
Much love,
Click the banner below to download your free pdf book that will help you get a better relationship and breakthrough results with less training…
2 Responses
I loved the story about the rescue baby with the sore dew claw! Instantly made me gasp and feel his pain! I have a cranky 12 year old but she perks right up when out on a walk or getting a treat. I wish she wasn’t so cranky all the time but I don’t see anything wrong except Dexter irritates her!
Joni Pilmaier
Loved the letters. THANK YOU !