Enlightened by Dogs Podcast

EBD032 Make A Great Life With Your Dog In The New Year

How gratitude and a few small steps can make a life of greatness in the new year!

Do you want the new year to be the best year ever for you and your dogs? (doesn’t that sound awesome?)

I have two simple, easy things you can do right now to get that rolling for you. Everyone can do this, it takes very little time, AND your dog will help you to implement!

I’m giving you a sneak peek at how I’ve created a great life here at our Dancing Hearts farm … sharing a simple framewfork to having a great life in this episode.

I’ll explain how each piece works toward giving you a happier day, week, month, year and eventually a happier life in general!

Let’s make the new year great, together!

In This Episode

  • Using grateful to be great in life
  • What frequency are you broadcasting to the world?
  • Dogs spend a lot of time appreciating or anticipating great things
  • Being an intentional creator and transforming your life
  • Planning and getting ready for what’s coming next
  • People lose their way when they lose their why


“When you love what you already have, you’re going to get more of what you love.”

“Today, I’m grateful”

“We lose our way when we lose our why”

“In it’s simplest form, all you have to do is be happy and grateful for all the great stuff you have in your life, and anticipate all the great stuff that is going to happen soon.”

“Planning is all about getting your ducks in a row so you are ready when your great stuff shows up.”

“How am I going to live today to create the tomorrow I am committed to?”

“The clarity that comes from planning helps you to become closely attuned to your dog every time you work or play together … and that allows your dog to give you great feedback you need.”

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Check out the Creative Alchemy Passion Plan! https://dancinghearts.link/create

Show notes: www.dhearts.meltdesigndev.co.uk

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