Enlightened by Dogs Podcast

EBD064 How to Stop Training and Start Partnering with Your Dog

Are you sacrificing what you want most for what you want right now? Stop training!

Do you really need your dog to sit and perform for their cookies? Do you truly want your dog to lie down in a specific place all of the time? Or is there something else that is more appropriate, and more aligned with a partnership lifestyle?

Ok, so today is a little bit of a rant episode about what we truly want from our dogs! Are we actually giving up what we want most, for what we want right now?

While it is a possibility that you may want these things, we tend to spend a lot of energy trying to train behaviors out of our dogs, or train new habits in, while we fail to ask why we’re doing it in the first place.

In this episode of Enlightened By Dogs, Kathy really breaks down for us how to stop training and start partnering with our dogs. She gives tons of examples and stories to back up the silly things we do, and why they may not actually be the best use of our time and effort!

In This Episode:

  • Are you doing this with your dog over and over again without even thinking about it?
  • Is our view of the human/dog relationship completely out of touch with what we really want?
  • What do you truly want out of your relationship with your dog?


“Stop training and start partnering with your dog”

“Move away from habits that are not stepping stones to the life that we dream of living with our dogs”

“It’s not about having the perfect dog”

“We’re all different. That’s okay. Our dogs are all different, and that’s okay too.”

“When you know what you really want, then true partnership begins to happen”

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