4 Ways to Help Your Dog Stay Calm
Are things a little crazy around your home right now? During the summer months, many of us start remodeling, landscaping, gardening, or doing construction work on our homes. This can cause many dogs to become reactive to the new activities and environment around them. Lots of new noises, people, smells, and a disruption to their […]
How to Use the “Back to Grazing Protocol”
Our dogs look to us for so much guidance and reassurance. When we get over-excited, so do our dogs. When we become fearful, our dogs can pick up on that too. So, what can we do to keep our dogs calm in stressful situations? It all starts with you and how you react to stimuli […]
How Your Thoughts Can Sabotage Progress with Your Dog
Are your thoughts getting in the way of you living a safe, calm, and happy life with your dog? I’m sorry to say that this could very well be the case! Ok, so if you haven’t already guessed, I’m talking about thoughts generated by your primitive, reptilian brain … you know, the part of your […]