How to Stay Committed to Your Dream Partnership
Do you have a clear vision and dream for the life you want with your dog? Staying committed to the partnership of your dreams begins with some clarity on what your dreams actually look like. This marks the final part of my five-part blog and podcast series, “The Summer Series on The Power of Partnership.” […]
What Does it Mean to be an Advocate for Your Puppy or Young Dog?
What does it mean to be an advocate for your puppy or young dog? Dogs don’t have a voice to speak up when something is wrong. They may try to alert you by barking, howling, or whining, but they can’t say actual words. Dogs use behavior to communicate. When dogs are young, they are very […]
The Biggest Myth in Dog Training
Is training really the best solution for a misbehaving dog? Or, is it the one thing that’s making the problem worse? There is a huge myth surrounding dog training. If you ask me, believing in this myth and assuming that training is the solution for a naughty dog or a dog who just won’t listen, […]
4 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Stop Barking
All dogs bark. It doesn’t matter if you have a tiny Yorkshire Terrier or a giant St. Bernard, every dog will bark. However, some dogs bark more than others. Excessive barking can sometimes drive you mad, especially when you don’t know why your dog is barking so much. Dogs bark for a wide variety of […]
How to Stop Unwanted Barking in 8 Steps
Pretty much every dog mom I’ve ever spoken to has a story of their best friend’s unwanted barking. I’ve certainly got a few stories of my own! This is a really tricky topic because we can’t expect our dogs to sit in silence. Dogs barking is just like humans talking – it’s natural and it’s […]
2 Favorite Indoor Games to Play with Your Dog
Stuck inside? Dogs driving you crazy? Everyone a little stir crazy? Play some games! After writing about what to do with your Stir Crazy dog in part one, I was flooded with old memories of long evenings and weekends inside with my pent up dogs. We had so much fun! Laughing, playing, engaged, and loving […]
4 Ways to Calm Your ‘Winter Stir Crazy’ Dogs and Get a Better Partnership
Having wild, pent-up dogs could be a really good time to work on some important skills that’ll come in handy now AND later. So, think of it as a blessing in disguise! lol Seriously? You probably think I’m crazy, reading my quote. (and, I’m not sayin you’re wrong!) 😉 Here’s Why: The Dogs: Can […]
How to Use Gratitude to Accelerate Your Goals and Have a Better Relationship with Your Dog
This time of year gets me reflecting on how grateful I am for the many blessings in my life, especially the amazing people in my life, including you. I’ve been busy thinking up ideas for expressing my gratitude to you…and the first thing that comes to mind is to share with you the power […]
How to Be Your Dog’s Super Hero … without All The Overwhelm and Stress
Do you ever feel like you need to have super powers … … or be like a juggler, simultaneously managing six different fragile objects that cannot be dropped? It can be exhilarating and sometimes exhausting, right? We have these important roles that we fill in our dog’s life, and I believe that having clarity and understanding about […]
Cognitive Dog Training: Small Changes = Big Rewards
Have you ever noticed how we are really attracted to BIG rewards? I mean, who would seriously step over a $10 bill to get to a penny? Would you? What if I told you that the $10 bill is a one time deal, end of story. And the penny was the start of a trail […]
One Dog’s Transformation from Trash to Treasure
When I adopted Maya, she had been labeled as ‘untrainable’ by her 3 previous homes, and was ready to be put down because of it. You may know my sweet and sassy Maya…or you may know of her story. She is quite a gal, with a jaded history. 😉 She was kicked out of […]
Does Your Dog Love You … Or Just Your Treats and Toys?
How can you successfully train your dog…AND get your dog to love being with you more than anything else? As positive trainers, we know that all living things repeat behaviors that are rewarding…including our dogs! So, to effectively teach your dog, you need to reward behaviors that you like by rewarding your dog with things […]