Why you should Stop Training your Dog … Until You Read This…
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller You’ve heard the story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan? Helen was struck by a fever as a toddler that left her in a dark, silent place … “blind, deaf and dumb”, according […]
Let’s Be Perfectly Clear: Dog Training Basics
Clarity leads to each partner taking responsibility for their part of the partnership…intuiting what the other wants and needs. It’s a beautiful thing! If you’ve been around me for more than a minute, you’ve probably heard me speak about “Clarity” and how important that is to training our dogs. But, what does that mean, […]
Dog Training Partnership that Rocks!
I just have a quick announcement for you today. A new video of me and my dogs. As I put this quick video together today, I am reminded of how much I LOVE the partnerships I have with each of my dogs. My heart fills with gratitude and love just thinking about it. You can […]
One of my most painful mistakes and what I learned
If you’re anything like me and most of my students and clients, your dog is a core part of your life…and you do, or would like to do, lots of fun things with your dog. You dream of enjoying the benefits of having a happy, friendly dog in your life…a dog that you can take […]
Dirty Secrets Revealed: Confessions of a Professional Dog Trainer
Or: How I (almost) Wrecked My Dogs… There’s one thing that I’ve learned from all of my years of living with and training dogs that stands head and shoulders above the rest: If you don’t have a good sense of humor, you might as well just throw in the towel and live a boring and […]