Enlightened by Dogs Podcast

EBD016 Rescue Dog Rehab: Desperate to Brilliant

This Rescue Dog Was Fearful of Everything … AND a Compulsive Chaser of Animals

Sue is a dog behaviorist with a story to tell about the emotional journey with her rescue dog!

When she first took Charlie home, he was shy and playful. In just a few weeks, his real behavior came to the surface.

“But, it soon became apparent that Charlie was totally overwhelmed at everything in his new environment, especially traffic, rides in the car and noises.

When we were out, he would pull desperately on the lead in an attempt to flee from any situation that made him uncomfortable.

And, on the other hand, he was insanely driven to chase at the sight of any wildlife, domestic stock, birds and cats!”

Charlie was fearful of almost everything and walking him in their quiet neighborhood was impossible because he shut down at any noise or movement.

Conversely, he also chased animals of all sizes – so taking him for a walk on the quiet country trails was equally impossible!!

He was like Jekyll and Hyde! He was the star of his training classes, but in the outside world? He was a completely different story.

Listen to Sue share her emotional journey from desperate to brilliant, with her rescue dog Charlie.

In This Episode

  • Charlie’s unexpected fearful side
  • Trying everything and getting nowhere
  • Charlie finds a farm and sheep and life comes crashing down
  • The recommitment to Charlie
  • What do I want, what does Charlie want?
  • The factors that resulted in a happy, well behaved Charlie


“Charlie was going to be part of our family and do everything with us” -Sue

“He was a working dog, and he needed a job”  -Sue

“Yes, you’re stressed, How can I help you now?” -Sue

“We had to start having fun again” -Sue

“I didn’t train him to stop chasing sheep, he stopped because we have a partnership” -Sue

“I am your loving partner, how can we work through this together?” -Sue

“Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should” -Kathy

Thanks for listening. Hey! I’m teaching a free online brilliant partners workshop that outlines my proven in the real world formula to transform YOUR dog into an attentive and responsive partner!

EVEN if your dog is reactive, distracted, over-threshold … and even if you’ve tried everything!!

It’s called: Dog Behavior Breakthrough: A Relationship Revolution.  And It starts September 6th. you can sign up to reserve your spot and get the notifications for each segment in this free workshop. It’s gonna be so good!!

Just go to dancinghearts.link/bpaworkshop

Subscribe on iTunes!

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