We are replaying this deep and insightful episode of Enlightened By Dogs, where Kathy shares a story that many struggling dog moms will relate to. Hear how she overcame difficult challenges and learn how her hardest dog taught her the true meaning of living a joy-filled partnership lifestyle with dogs.
Some of our most important life lessons come from our hardest dogs. If it wasn’t for those challenges, Kathy tells us that she would never have the experience, insight, and determination to become the better person she is today.
Phoenix taught her partnership lessons like how to be a loving leader for our dogs, how our emotional responses inform our dogs, and how to communicate with our dogs the right way.
Then there was the crucial life skill of the importance of taking responsibility for our own thoughts, emotions, and actions.
And, most of all, the importance of being patient.
Tune in to this candid episode that might just fill your eyes with tears…and your heart with hope.
“She would be my teacher, I would be her student. Our challenge was to figure out how to be attentive and responsive to one another without coercion or oppression.”
“She was nothing like the easy partner that I wanted, but she turned out to be exactly what I needed. Of course, that’s not what I was thinking through my tears, frustration, and heartache at the time.”
“Trust isn’t something that can be trained. Trust is given to us by our dogs when we provide safety, connection, and clear guidance, especially in the most difficult circumstances.”
“I’ve learned that some of our most important life lessons come from our hardest dogs. If it wasn’t for those challenges I’ve struggled with, I would never have had the opportunity, determination, and inspiration to become the better person I am today.”
Become a calm and confident Dog Mom with a cooperative, happy dog … without obedience training, relying on treats or arousing games, or corrections of any type.
Here are some next steps:
- GET STARTED – Work with Kathy:
https://dancinghearts.link/foundation - SUBSCRIBE to Kathy’s YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/c/DancingHeartsDogAcademy/videos - LISTEN or READ Kathy’s Podcast and Blog on her Website:
https://dancingheartsdogacademy.com/ - LET’S CONNECT on the socials for more partnership tips:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dancinghearts/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathykawalec/ - LISTEN TO PODCASTS:
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