3 Tips to Help Build A Dream Life with Your Dog

3 Tips to Help Build A Dream Life with Your Dog

Are you getting in the way of building the future of your dreams with your dog? When we welcome a dog into our lives, we usually dream of living in perfect harmony together with (preferably) no ‘unwanted behavior’. So, when things don’t turn out the way we thought they would, it’s easy to let ourselves […]

How to Walk WITH Your Dog

What If Walking With Your Dog Was Easy

What if walking with your dog was easy? What if you didn’t have to dread every walk you took together? It sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you in this post. Don’t worry, there are no anti-pull contraptions or strict training measures required – All you […]

Step Into Your Dog’s Paws

Step into your dog's paws

How seriously have you considered the affect your mental state has on your dog and your partnership lifestyle? If you’re like most of the incredible dog moms I’ve encountered over the years, you probably haven’t really thought about the link between your mental state and your dog. I mean, why would you? The two aren’t […]

How Consent Empowerment Builds Trust with Our Dogs

How consent empowerment builds trust with our dogs

I believe that just like you and me, our dogs should be given the freedom to give consent. Allowing your dog to give or withhold consent is so powerful because it helps to build trust between us and our dogs. Imagine your right to give consent was taken away from you. Imagine having to go […]

Role Modeling Calm for Your Dog

Role modeling calm for your dog

When things go south, our dogs look to us for guidance. Every time a speeding truck zooms past, your dog is monitoring your reaction. Every time a stranger approaches the two of you, your dog looks to you to help them decide whether this person (or dog) can be trusted. Whether you realize it or […]

A Sensitive Dog in a Big Scary City with Ulla Kjeldgaard

A sensitive dog in a big scary city

Having a sensitive dog in a huge city packed with racing cars, zooming bikes, large crowds, and lots of noise, can be super difficult. Some might even say it’s impossible. However, I recently chatted with a like-minded individual who had this exact problem and was able to overcome it with her hypersensitive, nervous and fearful […]

Why Your Reactive or Anxious Dog Doesn’t Trust You

Why your reactive or anxious dog doesn't trust you

If you have a dog that tends to be reactive to certain triggers (e.g. the postman, other dogs, the neighbors’ tabby cat, etc.) it can be really disheartening, frustrating and make you feel like your dog doesn’t trust you to keep them safe. You may be trying your best to support your dog and yet, […]

Rehabbing An ‘Untrainable’ Rescue Dog

Rehabbing an untrainable rescue dog

How can you train an “untrainable” dog? Do such dogs even exist? Many clients have come to me over the years with claims that their dogs are out of control and untrainable. Usually, they’re at the end of their tether both emotionally and physically. Dogs described as “untrainable” are not “bad dogs.” They may be […]

Hard Lessons from a Heart Dog

Hard lessons from a heart dog

We all have high and low points with our dogs. Things don’t always go as planned and many of us are left feeling downhearted, frustrated, and disappointed when our dog doesn’t act or behave like they’re ‘supposed’ to. I’ve had a lifelong love affair with animals and many of you who have been following me […]

It’s Your Choice – Transactional vs Relational

It's your choice - transactional vs relational

Do you have a transactional or a relational lifestyle with your dog? And…is one better than the other? If you’re scratching your head (and your dog is doing the same) – don’t worry, I’m going to explain all of this further as we go. But first, let me grab my white lab coat and talk […]