How to Avoid Frustration with Unwanted Behavior

How to avoid frustration with unwanted behavior

Have you ever been snuggled up with your dog with a cup of hot cocoa in one hand, the other gently resting on your dogā€™s back when BAM! Thereā€™s a knock on the door, your dog jumps up, knocks the mug out of your hand, and barks hysterically at the unknown caller? Now youā€™re furious […]

How to Be Safe, Calm and Happy in Difficult Times

How to be safe, calm and happy in difficult times

Weā€™re living in tough times right now. The spread of the Coronavirus has caused a great deal of fear, uncertainty, and upheaval all over the planet. Many of you were already struggling with your relationship with your dog before the outbreak. Now, with self-quarantine well underway and having to keep a safe social distance from […]

How Consent Empowerment Builds Trust with Our Dogs

How consent empowerment builds trust with our dogs

I believe that just like you and me, our dogs should be given the freedom to give consent. Allowing your dog to give or withhold consent is so powerful because it helps to build trust between us and our dogs. Imagine your right to give consent was taken away from you. Imagine having to go […]

Role Modeling Calm for Your Dog

Role modeling calm for your dog

When things go south, our dogs look to us for guidance. Every time a speeding truck zooms past, your dog is monitoring your reaction. Every time a stranger approaches the two of you, your dog looks to you to help them decide whether this person (or dog) can be trusted. Whether you realize it or […]

A Sensitive Dog in a Big Scary City with Ulla Kjeldgaard

A sensitive dog in a big scary city

Having a sensitive dog in a huge city packed with racing cars, zooming bikes, large crowds, and lots of noise, can be super difficult. Some might even say itā€™s impossible. However, I recently chatted with a like-minded individual who had this exact problem and was able to overcome it with her hypersensitive, nervous and fearful […]

Why Your Reactive or Anxious Dog Doesn’t Trust You

Why your reactive or anxious dog doesn't trust you

If you have a dog that tends to be reactive to certain triggers (e.g. the postman, other dogs, the neighborsā€™ tabby cat, etc.) it can be really disheartening, frustrating and make you feel like your dog doesnā€™t trust you to keep them safe. You may be trying your best to support your dog and yet, […]

Rehabbing An ‘Untrainable’ Rescue Dog

Rehabbing an untrainable rescue dog

How can you train an ā€œuntrainableā€ dog? Do such dogs even exist? Many clients have come to me over the years with claims that their dogs are out of control and untrainable. Usually, theyā€™re at the end of their tether both emotionally and physically. Dogs described as ā€œuntrainableā€ are not ā€œbad dogs.ā€ They may be […]

Hard Lessons from a Heart Dog

Hard lessons from a heart dog

We all have high and low points with our dogs. Things donā€™t always go as planned and many of us are left feeling downhearted, frustrated, and disappointed when our dog doesnā€™t act or behave like theyā€™re ā€˜supposedā€™ to. Iā€™ve had a lifelong love affair with animals and many of you who have been following me […]

It’s Your Choice – Transactional vs Relational

It's your choice - transactional vs relational

Do you have a transactional or a relational lifestyle with your dog? Andā€¦is one better than the other? If youā€™re scratching your head (and your dog is doing the same) ā€“ donā€™t worry, Iā€™m going to explain all of this further as we go. But first, let me grab my white lab coat and talk […]

Behavior is Communication

Behavior is communication

Does your dog ever look at you dead in the eyes as if they want to tell you something very importantā€¦but youā€™ve no idea what? Realistically, it could be something as small as needing to go outside to relieve themselves (or a guilty glare because theyā€™ve already left a nice surprise for you in your […]

2 Favorite Indoor Games to Play with Your Dog

2 Indoor games you can play when you're stuck inside with your dog

Stuck inside? Ā Dogs driving you crazy? Everyone a little stir crazy? Play some games! After writing about what to do with your Stir Crazy dog in part one, I was flooded with old memories of long evenings and weekends inside with my pent up dogs. We had so much fun! Laughing, playing, engaged, and loving […]

4 Ways to Calm Your ‘Winter Stir Crazy’ Dogs and Get a Better Partnership

4 things you can do when you're stuck inside with your dog

Having wild, pent-up dogs could be a really good time to work on some important skills that’ll come in handy now AND later. So, think of it as a blessing in disguise! lol Seriously? You probably think I’m crazy, reading my quote. (and, I’m not sayin you’re wrong!) Ā  Ā šŸ˜‰ Here’s Why: The Dogs: Can […]